How to Succeed in Academic Medicine at UF – August 26, 2015

8-26-iconThis session will provide an overview of the life of a faculty member at the UF COM and identify key accomplishments that will establish success as well as potential pitfalls that can derail academic progress.  Resources and suggestions will be discussed.

Objectives: By participating in the workshop, faculty will be able to

  1. Define the academic missions of the College and outline expectations for success within each
  2. Describe the University and College promotion and tenure structure and how to access guidelines and templates
  3. Know how to update portions of the promotion packet and CV
  4. Recognize activities that can detract from academic progress

Presenter: Marian Limacher, MD
Date:  August 26, 2015
Time:  5:00pm to 6:30pm
Location:  HME Building, Room 128

  • Register at the myTraining site to attend in person.
  • Can’t attend? View the livestreaming video here.
  • A post-event recording will be posted here.