- August 20: Presentation Zoom
- Setting Expectations & Envisioning the Future- Mark Segal
- Discuss the purpose of the Boot Camp
- Introduce Drs. Shorr and Gavin Introduce resources
- Faculty Development Online Resources
- Statistics Course
- Dr. Nicole Black- The path towards being an Educator Clinician
- Dr. Ki Park- The Path to developing a Clinical Niche
- Dr. Jennifer Schoch (Shook)- The path to becoming a Clinician Researcher
- Purpose of the Breakout Sessions
- Breakout Sessions
- Discuss the purpose of the Boot Camp
- Setting Expectations & Envisioning the Future- Mark Segal
September 17: Zoom
- How to Give Effective Feedback, to the Learner and to the Program Director
- Dr. Ryan Nall- How to give Effective Feedback to the Learner
- Dr. Chad Hood- How to give Effective Feedback to the Program Director
- breakout Session-Small Groups
October 15: Zoom
- How to give an Effective Seminar Alex Bitton-Bailey
- Visual
- Cognitive load
- Make time
- Responsive lecture
- Cold calling or engaging
November 19: Zoom
- How to begin preparing for promotion
- Keeping a CV Ellen Zimmermann
- Preparing for promotion Mark Segal
December 17: Presentation
- Working with the IRB
- 1) Best practices HIPAA waiver, how to carry out studies and protect HPI2021January 21 Resources Zoom
- Tips for an effective didactic presentation
- Colleen Kalynych Ed.D.
Senior Lecturer & Director, Educational Development and Research
Business Email: Colleen.Kalynych@jax.ufl.edu
- Colleen Kalynych Ed.D.
- The Power of i2b2
- Dr. Majoc
February 18 Zoom
- i2b2 Practical Uses and Examples
March 18 Zoom – Presentation – Timeline – Resources
- Resources at UF
- Ron Shorr
- UF Research Office Sobhia
April 15 Zoom – Presentation – Managing Up – Balance
- Ms. Rebecca Younglove-Managing up: How to manage your chair/chief for academic success
- Dr. Michelle Cardel-Balancing an academic career and your outside responsibilities
- Dr. Lisa Merlo-Greene-Managing and monitoring your wellness
May 20 Zoom
- Review Seminar Recordings to be done in small groups
June 17 Zoom
- Pandora Rose Cowart- “Tips and tricks for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel”
- Debra Notstein- “Making EPIC Work for You”
- Tips for an effective didactic presentation
- 1) Best practices HIPAA waiver, how to carry out studies and protect HPI2021January 21 Resources Zoom