Valuable Resources for Faculty Development


At UF:

Resources to Promote Your Science: Tips From the MBI Communications Team

UFCOM Wellness Homepage 

UFCOM Wellness Resource page 

GatorCare Wellness Homepage 

GatorCare Wellness Monthly Calendar

UF Wellness Weekly Newsletter Sign-up Form

Fun Friday Email Sign-up Form 

WIMS Facebook Group sign-up infoClick on the following link to request to be added to the facebook group:
They can also search “University of Florida Women In Medicine and Science” and request to be added.

How to contact Office for Health Care Excellence, Community and Belonging. The contact number to the COM Office for Health Care Excellence, Community and Belonging is (352) 273-6656 Carol Enoch is the office manager.

I2b2 Resources


Statistical Resource at the VA:

The Associate Chief of Staff for Research, Dr. Steve Nadeau has arranged to have a postdoc statistician available to any VA faculty starting Oct 1st, 2020.  The post-doc will be working under Dr. Sam Wu.

Resources online

Please join National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity at

Curriculum at National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

SKILL #1: Every Summer Needs a Plan

SKILL #2: How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities

SKILL #3: How to Develop a Daily Writing Practice

SKILL #4: Mastering Academic Time Management

SKILL #5: Moving from Resistance to Writing

SKILL #6: The Art of Saying No

SKILL #7: Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors & Collaborators

SKILL #8: Overcoming Academic Perfectionism

SKILL #9: How to Engage in Healthy Conflict

SKILL #10: How to Manage Stress, Rejection & the Haters in Your Midst

Multi-Week Courses:

Week 1: From Project to Publication—the Art of Manuscript Revision

Week 2: From Project to Publication—the Art of Manuscript Revision

Week 3: From Project to Publication—the Art of Manuscript Revision

Week 4: From Project to Publication—the Art of Manuscript Revision

Other Resources

Resource on how to detect fraud- Misconduct in Scientific Papers: Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Falsification- Elisabeth Bik

Guide to how to perform peer review of scientific papers

Resource on how to translate productivity into scholarship-How to Get More Juice From Each Squeeze :Maximizing Outputs From Academic Efforts

Resources for Clinician Educators

List of journals that publish health professions education manuscripts

Do Learners Really Know Best? Urban Legends in Education

Effective small group learning: AMEE Guide No. 48

Twelve tips for early career medical educators

The Nature of Excellent Clinicians at an Academic Health Science Center: A Qualitative Study

Applying the science of learning to medical education


AAMC Master CV Template UF Friendly



How To Read A Paper

On this page you will find links to articles in the BMJ that explain how to read and interpret different kinds of research papers:

Papers that go beyond numbers (qualitative research) Trisha Greenhalgh, Rod Taylor

Papers that summarize other papers (systematic reviews and meta-analyses) Trisha Greenhalgh

Papers that tell you what things cost (economic analyses) Trisha Greenhalgh

Papers that report diagnostic or screening tests Trisha Greenhalgh

Papers that report drug trials Trisha Greenhalgh

Statistics for the non-statistician. II: “Significant” relations and their pitfalls Trisha Greenhalgh

Statistics for the non-statistician Trisha Greenhalgh

Assessing the methodological quality of published papers Trisha Greenhalgh

Getting your bearings (deciding what the paper is about) Trisha Greenhalgh

The Medline database Trisha Greenhalgh


factoryThe Faculty Factory community grew out of our desire to share resources to support faculty development. Part of this work has been a podcast series which has been turned into a free eBook for you: Snippets for Success: An eBook Brought to You by the Faculty Factory Community. The eBook is a collection of the top podcast “snippet” episodes sorted by topic (communication, education, leadership, mentorship, research & scholarship, and wellness). Each episode includes top takeaways and questions for your self-reflection (as well as a direct link to the actual recording). After listening to some of the podcasts, if you would like to record your own ~10-30 minute episode for the new 2022 season (Theme: “Leadership Lessons: Career Development Pains and Gains”), just email m Dr. Kim Skarupski, at Hopkins ( to set-up your zoom audio-recorded conversation.