All faculty members will have an annual review of their performance in each of their mission assignments. The assessment should include a determination of progress toward promotion (and/or tenure as appropriate) and readiness for promotion.
Faculty on the tenure track will undergo a review of progress toward tenure and promotion after the 3rd and after the 6th year of employment* (see Tenure Review Policy). The faculty member will complete a self-assessment, modeled on the UF online promotion packet and include relevant Clinical and Educational Portfolios. The Department Chair will assess the faculty self- assessment and prepare a review. The College Tenure Track Review Committee will review both documents and submit an assessment to the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development who will submit the findings to the faculty member and Department Chair to be used for career guidance. The maximum tenure probationary period for the COM is ten (10) years.
Faculty in the Multi-Mission (MM) Track will undergo a mid-cycle review at the end of the 4th year of employment to address progress toward promotion. While all faculty are encouraged to pursue activities that will lead to academic distinction and promotion, faculty on the MM track are not subject to a fixed probationary period. The review will consist of a self-assessment (including portfolios) and review by the Department Chair. The College Mission Track Review Committee will review both documents and submit an assessment to the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development who will submit the findings to the faculty member and Department Chair to be used for career guidance.
Faculty on the Single Mission Track (Lecturer, Scientist, Scholar) may have an annual assessment with their Department Chair and a mid-cycle review after 4 years of employment.
Faculty in the Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics are subject to a policy that considers their unique position within two colleges (College of Medicine and College of Public Health and Health Professions.) See the specific policy and documents listed in the left-hand menu.
Please note: The 2023-2024 documents have been updated.