Speed Mentoring: Attendee Survey Please fill out this survey with your opinions about the Speed Mentoring session. 1. What is your position at UF?* Post Doctorate (skip to Question 3) Junior Faculty (please answer Question 2) 2. If you answered Junior Faculty to question 1, how long, in years, have you been in your position at UF? 3. Please rate the time you were able to spend with mentors: Not enough time Just enough time Too much time 4. Did you find a mentor who could appropriately answer your questions? Yes No 5. Were there any topic areas you would have liked a mentor to be available for, that were not covered? If so, please list.6. What was the most valuable aspect of the Speed Mentoring session?7. What would you change about the session?8. Would you attend another Speed Mentoring session? Yes No 9. Would you recommend Speed Mentoring to a colleague? Yes No 10. Please rate your overall impression of the session: Poor Adequate Above Average Excellent