COM Promotion and Tenure Candidate Resources

COM 2024-2025 Promotion and Tenure Workshop Recording
COM 2024-2025 Promotion and Tenure Workshop Presentation

Packet Templates with instructions and recommendations

Section 10-Teaching Evaluations

Teaching evaluations for 4th year medical student electives

Elective Clerkship Student Evaluation of Clinical Faculty Form

New Innovations Teaching Evaluations

Resident and medical student teaching evaluations from New Innovations will need to be inserted into section 10A of the promotion and tenure packet template. Please click below for instructions on how to generate these evaluations.

Generating Faculty Evaluation Summary for PT Packet

How to get Promotion and Tenure data from New Innovations Medical Student Evaluations

Section 11-Educational Portfolio

College of Medicine Educational Portfolio

Section 18-Sponsored Program Summary Table

Sponsored Programs Summary Table

Section 25-Clinical Service, Clinical Activities, or Clinical Portfolio

College of Medicine Clinical Portfolio

Request for Clinical Data

Additional Resources for Faculty

Your Master CV and Its Offspring

Your Master CV and Its Offspring Presentation

AAMC Master CV Template UF Friendly

Chair Letter’s Toolkit